Explore the latest Land App update featuring new data layers, and SFI 2024 template.

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New data layers
We’re constantly updating our data layer library, this month’s updates include:

  • Countryside Stewardship Scheme 2016 Management Options (England)
  • Countryside Stewardship Scheme 2016 Management Areas (England)

Learn more about which new data layers we think will be most useful for you, here.

New SFI 2024 template
Prepare for the new SFI 2024 scheme roll-out with our updated template. This template includes all the new actions and payment rates. If you’re currently working on an SFI 2023 plan, then you can duplicate this to the SFI 2024 plan, which will map to the new codes.

Read more about the upcoming SFI update here.

Included payment rates:

ACL1Additional common land payment
AGF1Maintain very low density in-field agroforestry on less sensitive land
AGF2Maintain low density in-field agroforestry on less sensitive land
AHW1Bumblebird mix
AHW10Low input harvested cereal crop
AHW11Cultivated areas for arable plants
AHW12Manage woodland edges on arable land
AHW2Supplementary winter bird food
AHW3Beetle banks
AHW4Skylark plots
AHW5Nesting plots for lapwing
AHW6Basic overwinter stubble
AHW7Enhanced overwinter stubble
AHW8Whole crop spring cereals and overwinter stubble
AHW9Unharvested cereal headland
BFS112m to 24m watercourse buffer strip on cultivated land
BFS2Buffer in-field ponds on arable land
BFS3Buffer in-field ponds on improved grassland
BFS4Protect in-field trees on arable land
BFS5Protect in-field trees on intensive grassland
BFS66m to 12m habitat strip next to watercourses
BND1Maintain dry stone walls (both sides)
BND2Maintain earth banks or stone-faced hedgebanks (one side)
CAHL1Pollen and nectar flower mix
CAHL2Winter bird food on arable and horticultural land
CAHL3Grassy field corners or blocks
CAHL44m to 12m grass buffer strip on arable and horticultural land
CHRW1Assess and record hedgerow condition (one side)
CHRW2Manage hedgerows (one side)
CHRW3Maintain or establish hedgerow trees (both sides)
CIGL1Take grassland field corners or blocks out of management
CIGL2Winter bird food on improved grassland
CIGL34m to 12m grass buffer strip on improved grassland
CIPM1Assess integrated pest management and produce a plan (‘agreement level’ action – applies to an SFI agreement, rather than a specific area of land)
CIPM2Flower-rich grass margins, blocks or in-field strips
CIPM3Companion crop on arable and horticultural land
CIPM4No use of insecticide on arable crops and permanent crops
CLIG3Manage grassland with very low nutrient inputs
CMOR1Assess moorland and produce a written record
CNUM1Assess nutrient management and produce a review report (‘agreement level’ action – applies to an SFI agreement, rather than a specific area of land)
CNUM2Legumes on improved grassland
CNUM3Legume fallow
CSAM1Assess soil, produce a soil management plan and test soil organic matter
CSAM2Multi-species winter cover crop
CSAM3Herbal leys
GRH1Manage rough grazing for birds
GRH10Supplement: Lenient grazing
GRH11Supplement: Cattle grazing (non-moorland)
GRH6Manage priority habitat species-rich grassland (endorsed)
GRH7Supplement: Haymaking
GRH8Supplement: Haymaking (late cut)
HEF1Maintain weatherproof traditional farm or forestry buildings
HEF2Maintain weatherproof traditional farm or forestry buildings in remote areas
HEF5Control scrub on historic and archaeological features
HEF6Manage historic and archaeological features on grassland
HEF8Maintain designed or engineered waterbodies
OFA1Overwinter stubble (organic land)
OFA3Supplementary winter bird food (organic land)
OFA6Undersown cereal crop (organic land)
OFC1Organic conversion – improved permanent grassland (*maximum of 2 consecutive years)
OFC2Organic conversion – unimproved permanent grassland (*maximum of 2 consecutive years)
OFC3Organic conversion – rotational land (*maximum of 2 consecutive years)
OFC4Organic conversion – horticultural land (*maximum of 2 consecutive years)
OFC5Organic conversion – top fruit (*maximum of 3 consecutive years)
OFM1Organic land management – improved permanent grassland
OFM2Organic land management – unimproved permanent grassland
OFM3Organic land management – enclosed rough grazing
OFM4Organic land management – rotational land
OFM5Organic land management – horticultural land
OFM6Organic land management – top fruit
PRF1Variable rate application of nutrients
PRF2Camera or remote sensor guided herbicide spraying
PRF3Non-mechanical robotic weeding
PRF4Mechanical robotic weeding
SCR1Create scrub and open habitat mosaics
SCR2Manage scrub and open habitat mosaics
SMP1SFI management payment
SOH1No-till farming
SOH2Multi-species spring-sown cover crop
SOH3Multi-species summer-sown cover crop
SOH4Winter cover following maize crops
SPM2Supplement: Keep native breeds on grazed habitats (50-80%)
SPM3Supplement: Keep native breeds on grazed habitats (more than 80%)
SPM4Supplement: Keep native breeds on extensively managed habitats (50-80%)
SPM5Supplement: Keep native breeds on extensively managed habitats (more than 80%)
UPL1Moderate livestock grazing on moorland
UPL10Shepherding livestock on moorland (remove stock for at least 8 months)
UPL2Low livestock grazing on moorland
UPL3Limited livestock grazing on moorland
UPL4Supplement: Keep cattle and ponies on moorland (minimum 30% GLU)
UPL5Supplement: Keep cattle and ponies on moorland (minimum 70% GLU)
UPL6Supplement: Keep cattle and ponies on moorland (100% GLU)
UPL7Shepherding livestock on moorland (no required stock removal period)
UPL8Shepherding livestock on moorland (remove stock for at least 4 months)
UPL9Shepherding livestock on moorland (remove stock for at least 6 months)
WBD1Manage ditches (both sides)
WBD2Manage ponds
WBD3In-field grass strips
WBD4Arable reversion to grassland with low fertiliser input
WBD5Manage intensive grassland adjacent to a watercourse
WBD6Remove livestock from intensive grassland during the autumn and winter (outside SDAs)
WBD7Remove livestock from grassland during the autumn and winter (SDAs)
WBD8Manage grassland to reduce nutrient levels in groundwater
WBD9Supplement: Nil fertiliser

Visit gov.uk for the full list of codes and payment rates.


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