Thought Leadership

Read our Sector Insights

There is more information online than ever before. In our Thought Leadership pieces, we package up the most important information from the sector — so you don’t have to.

photo of Tim, Land App founder, with a green overlay. Over this are the words; 'Resilience, the general election, and SFI 2024'
Here, I share some thoughts on why resilience is so important for farming and rural...
In a time of uncertainty and change for farming and the wider environment, it’s critical...
This year, the focus is “land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience” as they are key...
photo of Tim, Land App founder, with a green overlay. Over this are the words; 'The importance of data and connecting people' in white text
At its core, Land App is designed to support decision-making. We’re here to help land...
“The best organic farms are regenerative and the best regenerative farms are organic”, Harriet tells...
Photo of canary wharf, with white text overlaid that reads, 'A tragedy of the horizon? Nature degradation could erode 12% of GDP, a new GFI report shows.'
Our inability to grasp the danger of non-resilient systems - to which anthropogenic climate change...
photo of Tim, Land App founder, with a green overlay. Over this are the words; 'Regenerative farming and Land App origins' in white text
Whilst studying, I became enamoured by the concept (which you can read more about here)...
Challenges of BNG: Asked about the many challenges in implementing BNG, Harrison stressed how early...
Jake Fiennes - Director of Conservation at Holkam Estate, Charlie Ennals - Agricultural Relationships Manager...