Explore the latest Land App update featuring new data layers, updated login page and Land App Mobile in offline mode.
All user Updates
Login page new look
We’ve updated our login and registration pages to a more modern look and feel to align with the rest of your experience using Land App.
Edit the length of a 2-point line
Draw lines and edit the length as desired in the attribute panel (Note: this only applies to simple straight lines between 2 points).
Crown copyright and database right 2024 (license number 10059532)
Show dashed lines on the print legend
A highly requested update! It is now possible for dashed lines to be displayed on the print legend.
More data layers
We’ve added a selection of new data layers into Land App to give you more insight into the land you’re working with.
Guide on how to find data layers.
- OS Open Greenspace Access Points
- OS Open Greenspace Sites
- Less Favoured Areas (LFA) and Moorland Lines
- National Character Areas (England)
- RPA Registered Common Land (RCL)
- England Woodland Creation Low Sensitivity Map v4.0 (EWCO)
- England Woodland Creation Full Sensitivity Map v4.0 (EWCO)
- Wood Pasture and Parkland BAP Priority Habitat (England)
- Flood Map for Planning Flood Zones 2 and 3 (Wales)
- Source Protection Zones (SPZs)
Printing and data download price changes in line with Ordnance Survey costs
As of 1st April, Ordnance Survey costs increased by 4.8% in line with Retail Price Index (RPIX) for October 2023, and the following costs on the Land App platform have been affected: Printing costs for OS basemaps and price of OS MasterMap Topography Data Download
Standard Subscription Updates
We have released an update to Land App Mobile
- Offline mode – use Land App while offline and any photos taken or uploaded will be synced to your map when you are next connected to the internet
- Performance improvements – the app is much faster compared to the previous version
- Fixes to upload photo functionality – bugs preventing photo uploads on Android have been resolved
Note: we are also working on adding survey functionality to Land App Mobile, which will be included in the next release