Waitrose partners with Land App to map the state of nature on UK farms
Waitrose is teaming up with digital mapping tool, Land App, to revolutionise sustainable farming and support farmers in the adoption of nature-friendly practices in the UK.
Waitrose is teaming up with digital mapping tool, Land App, to revolutionise sustainable farming and support farmers in the adoption of nature-friendly practices in the UK.
At Land App, we believe in the power of collaboration to make a positive impact on the environment and society.
This month, our team has been hard at work improving Land App. Highlights include updates to our imagery basemaps and enhancements to the template selection page to streamline your workflow. All user Updates Imagery Basemaps Now Powered by Stadia Maps Going forward, Stadia Maps will serve as the default provider for our satellite and aerial …
This month, our team have been busy releasing updates to Land App, including a new Agrofrestry Designer Toolkit, updates to Land App Mobile, new data layers and more! All user Updates Update to the Tree Surgery option in the Countryside Stewardship TemplateThe Tree Surgery option (TE11) on the Countryside Stewardship template has been split into …
We are excited to announce the launch of the Agroforestry Designer Toolkit, a groundbreaking free to use digital tool to help farmers, estate managers, and land agents easily create agroforestry designs tailored to their specific needs.
This month’s updates to Land App include new tools and improvements for all users, including the introduction of the Single Application Form template for users in Wales, and the launch of People’s Trust for Endangered Species’ Healthy Hedgerow survey in Land App Mobile. All user Updates Single Application Form template for people in WalesIf you’re …
Assess and record hedgerow condition using People’s Trust for Endangered Species Healthy Hedgerows survey methodology – and optionally receive free, bespoke hedgerow management advice.
This month’s updates to Land App include new tools and improvements for both Professional and Standard users, such as enhanced portfolio management, new data layers, and better mobile functionality. Additionally, all users can now access detailed field boundary data and other valuable datasets to support more accurate and efficient land management. All user Updates OS …
Take digital mapping into the field with our new survey capabilities on Land App Mobile
Explore the latest Land App update featuring major new developments in our paid tiers with Portfolio Summary and improved data collection surveys in Land App Mobile. All user Updates Updates to the SFI 2024 templateSome options and payment rates were published incorrectly. These have now been updated, thank you to all our eagle-eyed users who …