Land App Team

Updates from Defra – January 

This month, we’re introducing our new blog series “Updates from Defra”. Each month, the team at Defra send us their updates, and we’ll share the top picks which we believe are important and helpful for you, our community of Land App users, here on the blog.

The UK Habitat Classification System: How it works

The UK Habitat Classification system (also referred to as UKHab) is a coding system used for surveying and classifying habitats when conducting a habitat assessment. By assigning specific ecological features a primary habitat code, secondary code, and condition score, it enables ecosystems to be mapped with accuracy and detail.

What is Biodiversity Net Gain?

Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is a central policy for both development and conservation in England, introducing a new focus to the way we approach land development. This blog explores what BNG is: its key points, purpose, and why it matters to various stakeholders.